Important Benefits of Potatoes And Use For Skin, Hair | beauty benefits of potatoes for skin & hair

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The Potatoes have different qualities. Potato contains have Vitamin B and Vitamin C. It makes your body cool and shiny, And Helps increase hair glow. Potatoes also play special role as anti-wrinkle. So potatoes can think of your friend. You think how to use potatoes. To remove skin problems Potatoes are used in different ways. Let's know how to use potatoes.
Important Benefits of Potatoes And Use For Skin, Hair _ beauty-benefits-of-potatoes-for-skin-hair

Benefits of Potatoes And Use For Skin, Hair And Body

Use Potatoes For Beautiful Eyes - Remove Dark Circles: Potato-coated helps reduce dark circles in eye, This is the safest and natural method for our eyes, Cut potatoes slim and round, Then put it on the eyes for twenty minutes, After that wash with water,It is better if the potatoes can be refrigerated and cooled. Then it will reduce the bloating of the eyes.
Remove Under Eye Wrinkles Use Potato: Mix the honey with the juice of potato and apply it in the eyes under and gently massage it. Using it regularly, the wrinkles below the eye will be removed.

 Potato For Skin Whitening - Potato For The Face Skin: Potatoes play an important role in removing acne and brightening the skin. The juice of potatoes should be put on the face skin. Or take the juice like a toner and rub the face. And After that wash with water. The skin will shine. Only a few days you can understand the difference.
Exfoliating Toner Raw potato extracted juice and mix two tablespoons lemon juice with it, And keep the face half an hour. It's hyper-pigmentation, Excessive facial sweat, Remove dead skin, and make the skin shiny.
Potato Mask For Oily Skin- Use Of Potato As Oily Skin Mask: Clear the potato groves take out the juice and make paste.It will be mixed with one teaspoon of rose water and lemon juice. After that you have to keep 15 minutes on the face skin, Then wash it with water. And see the softness of the skin. Oily skin will disappear from the mouth face.

To Increase Skin Brightness Use Potato: With a tissue, wash cloth or paper towel mixing potato juice and Put it in the mouth for twenty minutes, Then move away. And keep it regularly. The brightness of the skin will increase and the skin will remain good.
 Potatoes For Hair - Use Of Potatoes For Hair Care : Three teaspoons of potato juice, two teaspoons Aloe Vera gel, mix one teaspoon of honey and keep it on the head for one hour. Depending on how deep the loss your hair do less and increase time.The hair will become soft, smooth and glowing.

Some More Benefits of  Potatoes Are Discussed In The Below

1. One teaspoon potato juice ,One teaspoon tomato paste, One spoon of milk raw powder Combine face and neck. After one hour wash with water.

2. One teaspoon raw potato juice, one teaspoon sour yogurt and one pinch yellow mixing these products and apply it fifteen minutes on the face skin, Then wash it with water. 
3. Mix 1 teaspoon of grapes with 1/4 teaspoon of lemon juice. Keep it in mouth for 15 to 20 minutes and after that wash your face with cold water.

4. 1 teaspoon of grated potato, 1 teaspoon tomato paste and 1 teaspoon sour yogurt, mix well and apply for 20 minutes in the mouth. Wash thoroughly after drying.

5. Half a potato and a strawberry or half teaspoons of honey  must be pasted mixing  and apply mouth and throat for 20 minutes  and it washed with the Water.

6. 1 tablespoon grated potato, 1 teaspoon raw milk and 2-3 drops Almond oil mixed well and apply it for 15 minutes on the face skin and after drying washed cold water.

7. To prevent for ripe hair 4-5 pic potatoes boil in hot water.  After an hour, remove the potatoes from the oven and keep the water separately. Wash your hair with this water. It will keep the natural colors of hair. And The hair will stop ripe.

8. Mix equal amount of potato juice and cucumber juice together. Use a cotton ball to apply the mixture and use it under the eyes. Cucumber has Ascorbic acid and Caffeic acid , Which removes in the eye.
Note: Potatoes are not just food, Include it as a daily skin care attachment. There is no question of cheating. Absolutely safe this vegetable will enhance your natural beauty. If you like it, please do not forget to comments and share, thank you.

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