Best Way To Remove Blackheads At Home Permanently | remove blackheads instantly | remove blackheads naturally,
Remove Blackheads At Home |
Remove Blackheads At Home Permanently
• The white part of the egg
Tie the white part of the egg into the nose and attach it to two layers of tissue paper. If you are awake for a while, then dry it out. The blackheads on the tissue paper will come out in it.
• Lemon
Rub the lemon on the skin with sugar or salt. After washing 10-12 minutes, wash your face.
• Cinnamon
Cinnamon helps keep skin clean and bright. Mix 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder with lemon juice and make a scab and wash it after 20 minutes.
• Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera gel is not comparable to the removal of excess oil in blackheads or white head, acne or mouth. Just wash the gel and wash it after 10 minutes. You see the skin looks bright.
Aloe Vera gel is not comparable to the removal of excess oil in blackheads or white head, acne or mouth. Just wash the gel and wash it after 10 minutes. You see the skin looks bright.
• Coconut oil
Before sleeping every night, take a pure coconut oil on your skin and sleep in the morning.
• Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar contains anti-bacterial components that remove all skin bacteria. Cotton is called vinegar, apply it on the skin and dry it, wash it with warm water.
• Tomato juice:
Tomato juice helps to reduce blackheads. Tomato contains antiseptic elements Antiseptic ingredients are especially useful for skin. Regular tomato juice rubbing to the nose side. You can get rid of this problem.
• Potato Juice:
Potato juice acts as a natural bleaching.Cut the potatoes and apply it to the skin. And also the juice of potato works great to remove blackhead. So it can be used.
• Sugar Scrub:
Take one spoon of sugar and mix it with rose water and make sugar crabs. And rub your nose blackhead.
• Baking Soda:
Take one tablespoon baking soda and mix it with water. And then rub nose side, when dry it wash with water. This is a great advantage to remove blackhead. So you can apply this facility.
• Lemon Juice:
Lemon juice is very beneficial in any problem for the skin. It also applies to Blackheads. Apply lemon juice on the skin for 15 minutes and then wash it with cold water.
• Honey:
Honey is very beneficial for the skin. Mix one teaspoon lemon juice and one teaspoon honey and rub it on the blackheads. This problem will be removed very soon.
• Cinnamon & Flour:
Mix half a spoonful cinnamon powder and 1 spoonful flour and rub it in the mouth for 10 minutes. After that, it will be washed slowly with normal water. The face can irrigate for cinnamon, but it's not scary. After a while it will be okay.
➤➤ In addition to skin care
• Clean the mouth with water twice or twice.
• Use separate towels to remove body and face.
• Avoid oily foods.
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